Page name: I'm Narutarded are you [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-03-12 14:43:18
Last author: Orochimaru
Owner: Zombie girl
# of watchers: 14
Fans: 0
D20: 10
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Please vote for me in the Elf packing contest its the first you guys -[Zombie girl]


welcome to I'm Narutarded are youthis wiki page is only for those sadly oppresed narutardes looking for a friend ,pluse we haver really cool banners if you want one [Zombie girl]will make one just for you if you ask nicely

I'm Narutarded are you banners
generic banners
Narutards halloween party
Naruto comics and such
cool places in konoha
gaia naruto creations
anime stuffs like whoa

Info about the show
Age list
death list
Naruto Seals


other naruto fan sites
place your wiki link here
Konoha Chrismas party
Closet Perverts United - a fan wiki in honour of all the Naruto characters who are really closet perverts! ^_^

Naruto RP <-you should check these out<-feel free to add your own rp's </b>
Naruto Realm
Konoha Village
The Ultimate Ninja Role Play

[Zombie girl]
[Haruno Sakura]
[Sky Chord]
[tweeek tweek]
[Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]
[Naruto-kun's Sakura-chan]
[君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]ichiban gai no ero
[Lexxi Scuzz]
[Orochimaru]Summoning Jutsu:Reaimation

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2006-11-05 [Sky Chord]: Not if i tell you a secret! *yawns*

2006-11-05 [Zombie girl]: ohh what?

2006-11-05 [Sky Chord]: XP cant tell you!

2006-11-05 [Zombie girl]: *tickles you* i wont stop until you tell me

2006-11-05 [Sky Chord]: *laughs* YOUR NOT FAIR!

2006-11-05 [Zombie girl]: *ticlkes you harder* tell me

2006-11-05 [Sky Chord]: NO NO NO! *laughs*

2006-11-05 [Zombie girl]: tell me or iwont stop

2006-11-05 [Sky Chord]: *is crying and laughing*

2006-11-05 [Zombie girl]: tell me

2006-11-05 [Sky Chord]: *squirms away* NO! *runs* >.<

2006-11-05 [Zombie girl]: *chases after you* *tackles you and starts tickiling again*

2006-11-05 [Sky Chord]: *laughs and screams* STOP!

2006-11-05 [Zombie girl]: tell me and i will

2006-11-05 [Sky Chord]: OK OK! STOP! ILL TALK!

2006-11-05 [Zombie girl]: *stops tickiling but has you pined to the ground so you cant get away*

2006-11-05 [Sky Chord]: -_- the secret is if....I forgot.....O_O

2006-11-05 [Zombie girl]: *tickles you uncontrolably* "WHAT YOU FORGOT HOW DO YOU FORGET ..."

2006-11-05 [Sky Chord]: *laughs* I CANT REMEMBER WITH YOU TICKLING ME!

2006-11-05 [Zombie girl]: *pins you to the ground* oh well i wont let you go till you remember"

2006-11-05 [Sky Chord]: O_O *stare* my memory usually comes back after a good meal

2006-11-05 [Zombie girl]: *presses you aganst the ground harder*

2006-11-05 [Sky Chord]: *screams like a little girl* I DONT REMEMBER!

2006-11-05 [Zombie girl]: hurry up and remember or i'll get sakura on you

2006-11-05 [Sky Chord]: *laughs* Sakuras not online.....O_O is she!?

2006-11-05 [Zombie girl]: well i could still sommon her and tell her to get online

2006-11-05 [Sky Chord]: *laughs* Stop joking!..........O_O

2006-11-05 [Zombie girl]: ok fine i wont

2006-11-05 [Sky Chord]: *sighs* well im still not telling!

2006-11-06 [Zombie girl]: *tickles him again*

2006-11-06 [Sky Chord]: *laughs uncontrolably* STOP STOP STOP PLEASE

2006-11-06 [Zombie girl]: tell me

2006-11-06 [Haruno Sakura]: No, don't tell her! Tell me! On-ne-gai~? *does the cute bunny thing*


2006-11-06 [Zombie girl]: awwwww sakura dont you want to know his secret too

2006-11-06 [Haruno Sakura]: Yush. That's why I want him to tell me! *glomps Shika* On-Ne-Gai~? V.O

2006-11-06 [Zombie girl]: ok shika nowyou have two crazed weomen going after you

2006-11-07 [Sky Chord]: *laughs then gets glomped* DID YOU JUST CALL ME....O_O *stares* O_O wait two!?

2006-11-07 [Haruno Sakura]: Tell me! Onegai, onegai, onegai!!!

2006-11-07 [Sky Chord]: *hides*

2006-11-07 [Haruno Sakura]: Nuuuu~!

2006-11-07 [Zombie girl]: *pins shika to the wall* ok tell us now

2006-11-07 [Sky Chord]: *blinks* tell you what? *plays dumb*

2006-11-07 [Elf_Person]: i just watched neji vs naruto,heel yeah naruto won

2006-11-07 [Haruno Sakura]: :P Is it already at the Chuunin exams? Who's up next? Sasuke and Gaara?

2006-11-07 [Elf_Person]: no i watched the japanese one,and i dont know

2006-11-07 [Haruno Sakura]: I watched them awhile ago... I don't remember...

2006-11-07 [Elf_Person]: oh

2006-11-07 [Sky Chord]: *notices that Sakuras on line so he hides*

2006-11-08 [Tsunade]: *points to where he was hiding* "he's over there guys"

2006-11-08 [Zombie girl]: tickles him again

2006-11-08 [Sky Chord]: *stares at Tsunade* YOU RA-*is tickled and laughs*

2006-11-08 [Zombie girl]: *pins him to the ground*

2006-11-08 [Sky Chord]: *Stares* w....what are you going to do with me?

2006-11-08 [Zombie girl]: i'll think of something

2006-11-08 [Sky Chord]: *stares* please dont hurt me...

2006-11-08 [Zombie girl]: aww why not

2006-11-08 [Haruno Sakura]: *notices that she is always online* Hmmm... *pounces Shika* Gotcha!

2006-11-08 [Tsunade]: laughs at shika from a distance

2006-11-08 [Sky Chord]: OUCH! PLEASE DONT! .....then you wouldnt get .....a Shika Chibi pet >.<! gary chibi pets *barks*

2006-11-08 [Haruno Sakura]: *would like to point out that she already has a shika chibi* Jasmine's Gaia Creations

2006-11-08 [Sky Chord]: No i mean a EP SHIKA chibi!

2006-11-08 [Haruno Sakura]: Mine's better.

2006-11-08 [Sky Chord]: *shakes head* nope! not as good as Ankos XP

2006-11-08 [Haruno Sakura]: Anko's looks like a girl...

2006-11-08 [Sky Chord]: Soooooah!?

2006-11-10 [Haruno Sakura]: Mine's better.

2006-11-10 [Sky Chord]: nope not in my opinion XP *hopes she doesnt beat the crap out of him*

2006-11-10 [Haruno Sakura]: *beats the crap out of him*

2006-11-10 [Sky Chord]: @-@ *KO'ed*

2006-11-10 [Elf_Person]: *laughs*

2006-11-11 [Zombie girl]: ohhhh se sakura mine is better and he looks best as a girl

2006-11-11 [Sky Chord]: *hides behind anko and whispers:your BEYOND NICER than Sakura.....shes evil!*

2006-11-11 [Elf_Person]: *hits gary upside the head*sakura is AWESOME

2006-11-11 [Sky Chord]: *kicks Rob* DONT FRIGGEN TOUCH ME *isnt in the mood*

2006-11-11 [Elf_Person]: ok ok ok Gary i wont calm down calm down

2006-11-11 [Sky Chord]: good.....

2006-11-11 [Haruno Sakura]: Anko is awesome

2006-11-11 [Sky Chord]: Yeah she is >.<

2006-11-11 [Zombie girl]: *huggs shika* yay i'm awsoem go me ^^ *sticks tounge out at rob*

2006-11-11 [Haruno Sakura]: *ish not hugged*

2006-11-11 [Sky Chord]: *gets a sasuke chibi and makes it hug sakura* X3 there ya go!

2006-11-12 [Zombie girl]: go hug yourself

2006-11-12 [Sky Chord]: *looks at anko* O_O *thinks ~smart...funny ...and BRAVE!~*

2006-11-12 [Haruno Sakura]: *hugs Sasuke chibi* :P

2006-11-12 [Sky Chord]: *takes it back* >.>...<.< its [kai kai]s...

2006-11-12 [Haruno Sakura]: *crys*

2006-11-12 [Elf_Person]: *pats sakura on the back*its ok

2006-11-12 [Sky Chord]: *gives you a bigger one* >.>....<.< i stole this from under her bed i doubt she'd miss it

2006-11-12 [Haruno Sakura]: *hugs Shika* Thank you! *huggles the sasuke doll*

2006-11-12 [Sky Chord]: *is burned* O_O

2006-11-14 [Zombie girl]: *pokes theburn*

2006-11-14 [Haruno Sakura]: *pokes the burn with Sasuke's hair*

2006-11-15 [Sky Chord]: *screams at both* T-T

2006-11-15 [Elf_Person]: *pats gary's back*its ok

2006-11-15 [Haruno Sakura]: Which hurt worse? The stubby finger or the spiky hair?

2006-11-15 [Elf_Person]: hi sakura

2006-11-15 [Haruno Sakura]: Hi Prince Zuko.

2006-11-15 [Sky Chord]: AND DONT FRIGGEN TOUCH ME T_T and second ....BOTH DAMNIT! *shoots the sasuke doll* Take that sasuge ucheetos!

2006-11-15 [Elf_Person]: whats wrong gary,how are you sakura

2006-11-15 [Sky Chord]: *dances around with the gun* and i dont go by that name anymore ^-^

2006-11-15 [Elf_Person]: whats wrong with you

2006-11-15 [Sky Chord]: *shoots things* what do ya mean?

2006-11-15 [Elf_Person]: theres somthing wrong your not acting like yourself

2006-11-15 [Sky Chord]: i aint acting like myself eh? *shoots again* Really?

2006-11-15 [Elf_Person]: yes really

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: And why would you assume that? *smirks and shoots*

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: cause

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: Cause...

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: your parading around with a gun your actin weird man

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: Well maybe im not Gary....

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: maybe

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: Who knows...

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: you

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: Akwardly

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: yeah

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: That is your name right?

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: that name you alwas call me by is rob

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: I know Robbert

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: its robert with 1 b

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: Ok Robert

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: gary whats wrong with you

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: Gar...oh...yeah im fine

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: no your not

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: Eh? whats your problem kid?

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: kid??????look man this aint funny gary your actin weird and actuly if this is a joke cut it out

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: Cut what out? and i aint Gary ^-^

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: then who the hell are you and what are you doin on gary's profile

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: a.....LION! RAWR!

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: *sighs*gary cut it out

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: Rawr my assness! HA!

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: gary

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: Nope! hehehe! XP not in a million years.hes laying down sleeping

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: then who is this im talkin to

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: The one and only...*drums*

The magnificnet...

Evil witch...

Master of all hollows


2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: KAI WHY ARNT YOU ON YOUR PROFILE O.O

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: Because i dont wanna...Got a problem? XP hold on hes awake

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: no i dont have a problem*sighs*omg

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: ZOMG!

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: lol

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: He went back to sleep......Lazy bastard....

2006-11-16 [Elf_Person]: *laughs*oh well

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: Its not funny to laugh at someone who has strept throat

2006-11-16 [Tsunade]: Birthdays

2006-11-16 [Sky Chord]: O_o

2006-12-02 [Cult Video]: Gaawd. What a lovely wiki. It amused me for a very long time! Acctually, it ended my boredness. Good job.

2006-12-02 [Haruno Sakura]: *yells* You got a compliment Anko-Sensei!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-02 [Sky Chord]: GO ANKO! i wanna compliment....O_o sakura your hair looks extra pretty...and pink today ^-^

2006-12-02 [Haruno Sakura]: *smiles* Thank you oh-so-much.

2006-12-02 [Sky Chord]: O_o Anytime

2006-12-02 [Haruno Sakura]: Gary...Your chibis are extra-ly specially cute!

2006-12-02 [Sky Chord]: YAY A CO...wait O_o that was to them! XD

2006-12-02 [Haruno Sakura]: Um...I like the fact that you have them?

2006-12-02 [Sky Chord]: O_o .....i dont own one XD

2006-12-02 [Haruno Sakura]: *tilts head to side*

Then I guess I can't compliment you.

2006-12-02 [Sky Chord]: O_o *poke* MUHAHAHAHAHA!

2006-12-02 [Haruno Sakura]:
*thinks* I LIKE THAT POKE~!

2006-12-02 [kyraawr]: o_O

2006-12-02 [Sky Chord]: Yay i was complimented!

2006-12-11 [cooter davenport]: love the wiki

2006-12-11 [Phantomhive]: Thanks for putting my rp on your wiki!

2006-12-12 [Zombie girl]: not a problem

2006-12-12 [Sky Chord]: >.>....<.< *Hides behind Anko*

2006-12-12 [Haruno Sakura]: *sits on Anko's head* What's up Bubbus?

2006-12-12 [Sky Chord]: *is making riceballs*

2007-01-31 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: --looks at urahara.-- why you....! --beats him over the head-- Baka! Baka! Baka! --Thats how he greets Urahara--

2007-02-01 [Sky Chord]: X_X *screams* i didnt do anything yet...

2007-02-01 [kyraawr]: Wow. I was gone for like....a bagillion years and i still manage to be on this page -__-'

2007-02-01 [Sky Chord]: O_o you where EVER here!? XD *pokes kyra* STALKER! T-T Shes talking me >.>...i kinda like it XD

2007-02-01 [Haruno Sakura]: XD Goofy goobers.

2007-02-02 [Phantomhive]: ...weirdos.

2007-02-03 [Sky Chord]: XD SPONGEBOB! XD

2007-02-05 [Phantomhive]: lol.

2007-02-05 [There it all went..]: do u think spongebob could take a chidori to the face

2007-02-06 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: --notes the undertoned "yet"--

2007-02-06 [Sky Chord]: HEY YEAH! Hes obsorbant! XD

2007-02-27 [kyraawr]: Gary your adorable. A freak. But adorable.

2007-02-27 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: --pokes them all with his magic stick--

2007-02-27 [kyraawr]: Magic stick!? I want oneeee.

2007-02-27 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: --blinks at her and looks at it then hands her his-- Here....dont break it or I'll rape you cause gaara said so.

2007-02-27 [kyraawr]: =D *Plays with it* I won't =D But you can't threaten me with rape. Just so you know =]

2007-02-27 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: Why is that?

2007-02-27 [kyraawr]: Uhm well, for one this is online so it would just be cybersex. Lol

2007-02-27 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: then I'll cyber rape you --laughs--

2007-02-27 [kyraawr]: *Giggles* But what if it wasn't rape?

2007-02-27 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: --looks at her and thinks-- then I guess it wouldnt be rape. But any case it wont stop me from doing it!

2007-02-27 [kyraawr]: That's cool. Lol =]

2007-02-27 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: --laughs-- no fun at all.. I was really hoping youd break it --laughs again--

2007-02-27 [kyraawr]: I can if you really want me too.
I'm just being nice by not breaking it.
Plus it magicyyy.
I like the magiccyy sticky! ^_^

2007-02-27 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: --looks at her hand-- what stick --looks at his own-- oh you mean this one?

2007-02-27 [kyraawr]: Hey! Lol My magicy stick =]

2007-02-27 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: -.-'


--takes her to a dark alley--

2007-02-27 [kyraawr]: Well Yours but I was playing with itttt.


DARK =D!!!! I LIKE DARK ^_^!!

2007-02-27 [kyraawr]: Well if we are going on an adventure in the dark alley will you at least bring the magicy stickk?

2007-02-27 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: --brings the magic stick and smirks-- Im glad! --cops a feel on her thigh--

2007-02-27 [kyraawr]: Yay adventure with some guy and a magic stick in a ...dark...alley...O_O!!!!!!! =D!!!

2007-02-27 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: --notes that his sly attempt was completely and utterly ignored--



yes, yes adventure....--does the thing miroku would do... grabs her butt now and tries to get some sort of reaction--

2007-02-27 [kyraawr]: It wasn't ignored. I just realized what is going on in this dark alley.

*Jumps* *Giggle*

2007-02-27 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: --looks at her and smirks-- I would be honored would...please bear my children.

2007-02-27 [kyraawr]: Uhm....Lol That made me giggle =D.

2007-02-27 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: --laughs--

Im glad

--licks her neck--

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